Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Days & Minor Eating Troubles

I'm down more pounds this week.  I've passed another weight I haven't been in many years.  I broke down and went shopping for a new pair of jeans because my other ones were slipping down - literally.  I've lost two sizes now and I'm so thrilled.  What an exciting thing to have to go back to pick a smaller size.  I'm also down a shirt size too.  Happy days! :)

Eating has been difficult at times.  I tried chicken last week for the first time since surgery.  It went down okay the first time I ate it, but the second time, a few days later, didn't go so well.  I think it was the rice I ate with it too.  Perhaps too much for my pouch to handle.

My main problem with eating has been with dinner.  I eat breakfast and lunch fine - no troubles, no pain, no nausea.  At dinner time, I seem to have more nausea and therefore can't eat all that much.  It's frustrating but something I will talk with my doctor's office about at my next visit.

I probably won't post again until after Christmas, so I wish everyone a safe and Merry Christmas and wonderful and peace filled New Year!

1 comment:

Jennee said...

Merry Christmas!!!

(and yes, NO RICE!)