Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Vitamin Levels & Wintertime

Got a call from my surgeon's office yesterday.  It looks like my Vitamin B1 levels are off so I have been asked to take a supplement for a couple months.  Then they will then recheck the levels to see where I am.  I think it's understandable to have a low B1 level right now since I'm still restricted on what I can eat.  Hopefully as the weeks go along and I am able to eat more variety in foods, and as I take the supplement, things will level off.


Wintertime is beginning here in New York.  The days are cold and the nights are getting colder still.  No snow as of yet, but that's just around the corner.  One thing I've noticed as I'm losing weight is my intolerance for the cold now.  I used to be someone who was warm, if not hot, in any temperature.  I rarely wore gloves outside and never wore a sweater.  Well, I recently bought a new sweater and a good pair of winter gloves are on the list.  I went trick or treating with my youngest son a couple weeks ago and my hands were so cold they were tingling.  I've never had that happen before.  I guess I'm beginning to lose the layer of fat that kept me warm in the winter.  And can I just say --- YAY!!  *doing happy dance*

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